The Dorchester Donnybrook Legion is available to rent
At the time of booking a total of $326.00 will be required in the form of two separate cheques. Rental deposit including HST = $226.00 + damage deposit $100.00. The rental cheque will be cashed immediately. The security deposit of $100 will be held until inspection of the hall following your event at which time it will be returned to you less any costs for damages. For Sunday rentals, an additional fee of twelve dollars per hour, per bartender is payable with your rental fee.
– Booking the Legion hall must be done through the Bar Steward.
– Payment and a signed contract must be received at time of booking. This is necessary to reserve your date, otherwise the date is still available to others.
– Hall rental is only for the banquet room unless more space is requested at the time of booking. You will have access to the bar area for the purposes of beverage purchases. Additional fees are available at the bar for the other areas.
– If you sign the contract, you must attend the event as you will be held responsible for all actions and damages.
– For more information and availability please email
Arrangements must be made to open and close at a mutually agreed upon time. A Sunday booking will require cash payment for $75.00 payable to the contract for each bartender if you have requested a second bar steward.
NOTE: The games room is closed on Sundays.
Our sound system is not available to renters, but you may provide your own system.
An additional $75.00 charge is required for use of the Bar-B-Qs. And the Bar-B-Qs must be cleaned satisfactorily following use.
Service clubs and Dorchester Community groups can hold meetings if the hall is available at no charge.
For more information and availability please email